LCTOAN., the short form of "Leo cant't think of a name". Apparently I cannot think of a better name for myself...

Ok, I know that doesn't express too much about me. So, this is the real deal.

I'm a self-taught web developer, who had nearly 6 years experience in the business.

I'm currently working at GoSky as a front-end engineer, and I've been involved in almost all of GoSky's online products, including Social CRM aka Loyal, CDP, Lo-Si component library etc.

Before I start the journey at GoSky, I was working as a 3 member front-end team leader at Lemon IT, and I was in charge of building our hotel partner's website, our own hotel booking system, the restaurant reservation system, the shopping cart system, and other tools.

Anyway, it's pretty much of it. Hope you do like my works ( especially this website, because I did everything myself ). If you haven't checkout my works, please do! If you have something want to say, there's link above. Feel free to contact me anytime!

Leo Lin.

© 2022, LCTOAN.